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Extermination of Carpenter Ants
What damage can carpenter ants cause?
Carpenter ants are well known for causing damage to the wooden structures of your home. Their presence in homes is also embarrassing when they look for food. Carpenter ants feed on both vegetable and animal matter. The presence of animal or sweet food inside and outside the house also attracts ants in search of food.
Males and females are very different. The males are 9-10 mm long and their legs are fragile. While females are more robust. Female ants are either queens or female workers. Among the females, only the future queens have wings. All males have two pairs of wings which is necessary for mating.
Habitat of carpenter ants
Carpenter ants can lodge in dead tree trunks, in logs, or under trunks that litter the ground. They sometimes dig galleries in the healthy wood in your home, but they usually choose softwood species like pine.
They prefer moist and rotted wood, and their presence may reveal a problem of moisture or decomposition of wood structures. They can dig into your gallery moldings, stairs and or even into your wooden window frames. A colony of carpenter ants can build their nests in a house without attacking the lumber and infest empty spaces between walls, attics or hollow doors. Nests have even been found behind books stored in bookcases, behind chest of drawers or wardrobe drawers and behind polystyrene foam insulation panels.
Carpenter ants sneak into homes in several ways:
Windows or cracks in foundations
The ducts of the air conditioning or heating system
Power or telephone cables or firewood brought into the house
The junction points between the house
The wooden structures attached to the houses
To track carpenter ants:
Inspect all areas that are very damp and poorly ventilated, as well as where lumber is exposed and those constructed of wood in contact with the ground.
Determine whether it is an infestation of carpenter ants or just a few individuals wandering around the house. Check specific locations for a large number of ants, for example under the kitchen sink.
Observe the ants in search of food and their movements. It is possible that a trail leads to a mother colony outside the house. (It should be noted that ants are particularly active after sunset.)
Be on the lookout for swarms of winged ants looking to escape outside, usually in the spring.
Watch for accumulations of sawdust-like wood chips outside the ant galleries and cracks in the woodwork.
Try to recognize the sound of an active ant colony, a dry rustle. This sound is easier to hear at night, when the ants are more active and the house silent. Use a wine glass or a stethoscope to test the walls.
Notice of your exterminator in Montreal
It is not recommended to place logs or wooden rope stuck on the wall of your house. This increases the risk of infestation inside your home. Do not let food lodge on countertops, tightly seal sugary foods.